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Rebecca Cooper

Young Carers Awareness Day -Celebrating the Real Super Heroes of Our Time!

National Young Carers Day Celebrates the contribution that the UK’s 700’000 Young Carers make, working round the clock providing Care and Support to Family and Friends.

Jane Harding Chief officer said “We consider Young Carers to be the real superheroes of our time, the contribution they make is phenomenal and should be recognised. The 2011 census recorded over 2800 Young Carers across Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire. However, we believe many more remain unidentified, and miss out on vital services and support they are entitled to. Our aim is to get everyone talking about Young carers, raising awareness of who they are, what they do and what they have missed out on in their childhoods as a result of their caring role.”

Many Young Carers are under a lot of strain because they are constantly juggling family, school and personal life and often feel they lack the support they desperately need. As part of National Young Carers Day on Thursday 28th January 2016, staff from our Big Lottery Funded Musketeers project, have been out and about in the local community promoting awareness of Young Carers.

Many local Companies such as Rowtype, KMF, Digital Eyes Media, Autonet, insurance, and Sainsburys have all supported our Charity in promoting the day.

The Assocation has also featured on BBC radio Stoke, and Moorlands Radio. By taking part in Young Carers Day, general awareness and understanding of Young Carers will be increased. Children and young people with caring responsibilities should be more easily identified and helped, along with their families, to access appropriate and often much needed support.

Our Musketeer Projects offers Young Carers support based around any emotional and educational needs, whilst offering an whole family approach, the project also provides counselling for young carers either through one to one support or group sessions.


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