On 16th June, Diane and I were invited to Meir Park Community Hall by the Girl Guiding Longton Division for their 42nd Annual General Meeting (AGM). The event was greatly received with over 70 individuals ranging from Young Leaders, Guiders, and Rangers to the more senior ranked members from all over the district of Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.
Diane and I presented a Young Carer awareness presentation to the attending members of the AGM. The presentation lasted around 20 minutes.
After the presentation, the AGM board presented us (Young Carers Department) with two cheques from fundraising that the Guides, Brownies and Guides had raised and had chosen our charity to donate to. The second cheque was also from fundraising from their carolling service at Christmas and very kindly they donated this to us as well.
The gracious donations will go towards trips for the Young Carers over the summer holidays.