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My Time Project - 7Stars Foundation

Emotional Well-being group 5-8 years

The first week of the Emotional Well-being group was fantastic! Seven Young Carers attended. For some it was their first time at the centre. Excitement levels were so high!

We began the sessions by making our own guidelines to follow for the 4 week programme. Each Young Carer made their own.

Everyone filled in a feedback form to gauge how they were feeling at the beginning of the session (again at the end).

Next it was a game of hide & seek to get energy levels up ( this was unnecessary as they were already full of beans!!)

Our support worker Ollie talked about the trays wed be using to store their things in. They made a name badge which was later laminated.

Bertie the Worry Monster was introduced and everyone wrote down a worry for him to eat, yum, yum!

We explained about the emotional tool boxes to keep all of the items wed be making over the 4 weeks.

We made our own Worry monster to put in the tool boxes to take home at the end of the group on 22.8.19.

Ollie then explained about our emojicon board everyone would be made into an avatar using apple memoji. To explain this we showed Ariane Grande's video.

They really enjoyed it!

To end we played more games and completed the feedback forms to see how everyone was feeling.

It was a fantastic start to the course!

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